Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yummy launch

I'm still feeling a warm glow from my first ever book launch (are they all this much fun? If so, I'll start writing now!). It was a bit of a rush to the finish, as the books were only ready from the printer's a few days before, and I was still madly hand-tooling the copperplate squares for the front cover right up to the last minute, which meant I only had 44 copies ready to take with me to the launch. Which I thought would be enough, but we actually ran out of copies rather fast!

People were spilling out the doors of the small dim sum shop (photos to follow), making for an authentically squashed atmosphere, which was kind of fun. I didn't hear any complaints about the dim sums, in fact they all went rather fast, so I assume they were good. The only person who complained loudly about being at a poetry reading was my 3 year old nephew Marcus, who was temporarily placated by being promised more dumplings. I'm particularly proud that there was a good Asian representation of artists, writers, media people, and "arts appreciators" and of course in the manner of small communities they all started talking to each other and finding out they were related!

I was really lucky to have some talented guests as well - so thanks Michael, Doug, Anna Kaye, Lynette and Ming Cher for making the occasion what it was. I owe you guys big time! Thanks to Gus for the wonderful images above.

1 comment:

j a s o n said...

Congrats Renee!!!

So happy for you!