Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bone Feeder - show announcement!!

The Bone Feeder

How far would you go to find your family?

In 1902, the SS Ventnor sank in the Hokianga Harbour with the bones of 499 Chinese miners bound for ancestral graves in Canton. A century later Ben, a young man, arrives in the Far North to try to find some link with his past. He finds more than just restless spirits….

Place: University of Auckland Drama Studio, level 3, Arts 1
14A Symonds St
Time and dates: 7.30 pm 30 Sep, 1 + 3 Oct, 4 pm 3 + 4 Oct
Cost: $15/$10
Book: 09 373 7599 x 84226

Writer/Director Renee Liang
Musical director Andrew Corrêa
Music by New Nature


Harvey Molloy said...

Any chance of a Wellington show? I greatly enjoyed 'Lantern.' All the best.

Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant subiectul postat de tine. M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazut.Cu siguranta am sa il mai vizitez.
O zi buna!